New Parent Information

If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of of our team members listed below:

Our Team:

Please feel free to reach out to anyone on our team if you have questions:


Student iPads:

All new students will receive their iPads at orientation. We have posted all of the information you need to know on our website. (click here) There is a FAQ that should answer all your questions from how to load books on your iPad to what to do if your iPad is damaged. Additional information on the web page includes:

  • Usage policies and insurance
  • Electronic textbooks
  • Student email accounts


Visiting Campus:

Visitor Parking is located in the front of the McGill Building and along Lafayette Street. Please DO NOT park in numbered spaces. Those are reserved for faculty.  All visitors must report to either the Attendance Office (located in the Student Center) or McGill receptionist desk. You will need to present your driver's license when you check in. Business hours are 7:30AM-4:00PM.


Offices located in the McGill Building

  • President's Office 
  • Principal's Offices 
  • Discipline/Attendance Office 
  • Guidance/Counselor's Office 
  • Registrar's Office
  • Finance Office
  • Academic Affairs Office
  • iPad Center of Operations
  • Advancement Office

Offices located in the Student Center

  • Attendance Office
  • Dining Hall
  • Chapel
  • Private Dining Room
  • McT Campus Store

Offices located in the Toolen Builling

  • Student Activities Office
  • CYO Office
  • Athletic Director's Office



Lexington Foods is our cafeteria services provider.  You will need to set up an account with Lexington Foods so that your student may use their ID to purchase lunch and breakfast. We will send an email with a link to set up your account on Monday. Lexington is in the process of inputting all new students and will be ready for new account activation Monday, August 14th. The cafeteria does not accept cash at the register. You can load funds with cash or check through the cafeteria office or on-line with a credit or debit card.  Please click here for instructions. Please note that you will need your student’s ID number to set up your account and you will need to obtain an access code from Lexington.  


For information on our attendance and discipline policies, please refer to the McGill-Toolen handbook.



We have many ways for you to stay informed about all that is going on at McT:

  • Web Page @
  • Email-addresses for all teachers can be found under the Faculty directory tab.  This is the best way to communicate with a teacher. Teachers do not have voicemail.
  • Power School: This is our student information system (includes grades). Parents should have a parent login for access to their student's information.  
  • Bright Arrow - sends messages via text, email and voicemail - used mostly for emergencies
  • Blast Email - we send weekly school wide notifications (The Weekly Buzz) and class specific emails as needed.
  • We have a McGill-Toolen Facebook page and Facebook groups for each class. Be sure to join! 



Powerschool Information: 

Powerschool is our student information system where you can monitor grades, attendance and discipline records. All new students will receive their powerschool information at Orientation.  Parents received their Parent Log In information at the new parent meeting.  Please visit the Powerschool Page for more information. If you have questions, please email Coach Crenshaw at [email protected].


Mandatory Drug Testing and Breathalyzers

  • All students will be tested by obtaining a hair sample during the first semester. (Hair length must be so that a sample can be taken at any time)
  • Most students will have a second test during second semester.
  • Any student can be tested for cause at any time. If a student is caught "skipping,"they are usually tested.
  • If a student has a positive result, the parents are notified and a second test is administered 90 days after the first test. If the test is again positive, the student is withdrawn. If the test is negative, the student will continue at school but will be tested regularly throughout the year.
  • Students will be breathalyzed at every dance.
  • Students have to be at the dance no later than 1 ½ hours from the start and cannot leave until 30 minutes before the end of the dance, so make sure their ride knows.




We are an ALICE certified school.  ALICE is endorsed by the FBI, DOE, DHS, FEMA, KHP. OPD and US Secret Service for training of faculty, staff and students to respond to threats to campus. All of our teachers have been trained and our students will be trained throughout the school year.  We will perform drills periodically. We will send a buzz to let parents know we are performing a drill, sometimes local law enforcement might be involved.  


Drop-off and Pick-up

In the morning before school

  • Students may not enter the buildings prior to 7:30. 
  • First period class begins at 7:55AM.
  • Parents can drop off on Lafayette or the front of the McGill Building.
  • Once a semester, we have a 1:00PM dismissal for Teacher In-service

After School

  • Dismissal is at 3:05. Freshman pick-up is in front of the McGill building off Catherine Street, and sophomore pick-up is in front of the Student Center on Lafayette Street.
  • Students must be off campus 30 minutes after dismissal, unless they are in a supervised activity.



  • A white oxford long or short sleeve is required for for 9,10, and 11th girls and boys.
  • The black oxford is for seniors only.
  • Boys must wear ties on days we celebrate Mass.
  • Girls must wear uniform socks with the yellow jacket.
  • Black belt, black or white crew socks are required for boys.
  • No over-sized or tight clothes.
  • Students may wear any approved outerwear(available in the Campus Store, includes McT team/club gear as well). 
  • On Friday's students may wear their team or club polo shirts.
  • PE uniforms are required for general PE classes. Students in Athletic PE wear what the coach requires.
  • Students may wear black, grey or white rain jackets with hoods only when it is raining.



We need your help....

Please help us to monitor:

  • Please do not send your student to school if they are not feeling well.
  • Please help your student to be on time. A student is tardy after the final bell rings for each class: 1st Period begins at 7:55AM. Excessive tardies can result in disciplinary action.
  • Please make sure uniforms guidelines are being followed (skirt lengths, belts, shoes, hairstyles, etc). Please refer to the Student Handbook for details.
  • Remind your student not to use their cell phone use during school day.  
  • Please check Powerschool regularly for grades, homework and attendance.
  • No students should remain on campus after 3:30. Please make sure your student has a ride home.


Campus Store: Our Campus Store has all our approved outerwear needs and all the fan gear you will need to support the Jackets. We have gifts too!


Most of this information is in the Student Handbook. A copy of the handbook has been uploaded to all student iPads, or you can access a digital copy  here..