College Counseling

McGill-Toolen Catholic offers college and career guidance and counseling programs to help students make more informed educational and career choices.
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College Counseling

Over the course of the high school years, there are several programs in place to ensure that students are progressing toward preparation for college success.

  • Working with students to create schedules with challenging courses
  • Advising students and parents on high school programs and academic curriculum, preparing them for the college application and admission process
  • Planning and preparation for college admissions tests SAT and ACT
  • Assisting students to prepare for college interviews
  • Assisting with scholarship searches
  • Informing students about post secondary financing that can be used to support advanced education and training
  • Encouraging job shadowing, work placements, and community-based learning programs to allow students to directly experience workplace situations
  • Providing specialized counseling and intervention services to provide students with individualized attention
College Counseling Through the Years
Our counselors work with students in all grade levels to stress the importance of high school performance and involvement; students receive classroom guidance throughout the ninth and tenth grade. Beginning in the eleventh grade and continuing through twelfth grade, students and parents meet with the counselors individually to discuss and develop action plans for college applications.

• Counselors work with students to map out a plan to get from freshman to senior year
• Students consult with counselors to take challenging courses early on
• Study Skills Training
• Counselors guide students to start building a resume and to include involvement in extracurricular, leadership and     volunteer opportunities
• All students take the Pre-ACT
• Counselors encourage students to start exploring different colleges and careers that might be a good fit
• Counselors continue to work with students to build a resume that includes extracurricular involvement, leadership     and volunteer opportunities
• Begin introducing students to types of colleges and universities
• All students take the Pre-ACT, and the PSAT is offered
• Counselors meet with students to be sure that students are on the right track to be successful
• Begin taking college entrance exams such as ACT and SAT
• Counsel students to seek out internships, job shadows and summer jobs that align with the careers they’re           interested in
• McT hosts college and university representatives from across the country
• McT hosts a junior parent night to help parents and students gain insights into college selection and application processes
• College visits are encouraged – Juniors are allowed two visits during school year
• All students take the Pre-ACT, and the PSAT is offered
• McT offers the ACT during school-wide testing in March
• Counselors meet with students to be sure that they are on the right track to be successful
• Seniors are encouraged to visit campuses, finalize their list and apply for college
• McT hosts colleges and university representatives from across the country
• Counselors assist students in applying for scholarships and financial aid
• Seniors excused for two college visits